Beads of Courage, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization transforming the treatment process for children and teens coping with serious illness through innovative Arts-in-Medicine programs. DONATE TODAY.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Courage Tiger's Road Trip Day 46: #TravelTuesday in a School Bus!

Happy #TravelTuesday! What do you use to travel to new places? When I was in school, I took a school bus on loads of fun field trips. Now, lots of my friends are going back to school and what a great way to send them off with a special school bus bead! The August Bead of the Month is the School Bus bead, and it reminds you to stay curious, be adventurous, and keep learning!

Ann DeHoff is the amazing artist behind this month's bead. She began lampworking in 2009, and discovered Beads of Courage a few years after through her local ISGB group! Ann first fell in love with lampworking when she saw her first lampworker at the New York World’s Fair in 1965! In 2009, she rekindled her love for the art form, and she now has two studios, one at her home and the other in her cabin.

I asked her about the inspiration for the August Bead of the Month, and she told me:
“August implies end of summer and beginning of the school. The green background represents summer's end and the yellow bus, back to school.”

Thanks Ann for creating such an awesome bead for our children and teens that are coping with serious illness! Don’t forget to check out the August Bead of the Month and to come back tomorrow for the next road trip update!

Courage Tiger’s 2017 Road Trip is a feature of the 9th Annual Bead Challenge, a three-month nationwide fundraiser and beadraiser for Beads of Courage. As the official Beads of Courage mascot, Courage Tiger is visiting all 50 states to highlight the incredible work our organization does by sharing stories of our courageous members, families, clinicians, and the caring community of artists and supporters who make our vital work possible. Please get involved in Bead Challenge 2017 by visiting today. Sign up to PARTICIPATE as a fundraiser, CREATE glass beads, or DONATE to the cause. With your help, we can Make Courage Roar for kids coping with serious illness! Many thanks to Bead Challenge 2017 presenting sponsor Northwestern Mutual and supporting sponsor Soda Lime Times.

- Contributed by Cristal Rogers, Marketing and Communications Intern, Beads of Courage

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